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The Chiron Project

Healing for healers

 In astrology, Chiron is associated with the archetype of the "healer" or "shaman" and represents our ability to transform pain and suffering into healing and growth.


We created The Chiron Project to foster individual and community resilience for holistic health practitioners who dedicate their lives to the wellness of others. 

Our Story

The Chiron Project was founded in 2024 by Manon de Veritch of Aligned Energy Medicine to support holistic health practitioners in their ongoing optimal wellness journeys.


By donating healing services to other healers, we fill the cups of those dedicated to improving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and assure our energy is cleared and optimized for maximum benefit to all.

If you are a healer who is interested in joining our like-hearted community, or feel called to support our cause, please email

Meet The Healers

Meet The Healers

Our Community

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